The Bloodlust

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David Yates

60 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

60 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Director: David Yates

Writer: J.K. Rowling

Stars:  Eddie Redmayne (Newt), Katherine Waterson (Tina), Alison Sudol (Queenie), Dan Folger (Kowalski), Colin Farrell (Graves), Ezra Miller (Credence), Ron Perlman, Johnny Depp 

Synopsis:  Shy and awkward wizard, Newt Scamander, travels from the UK to New York, with plans to make it to the exotic land of Arizona so he can release his precious Thunderbird, Frank, back to the wild. He is shocked to learn that American wizards have very different - and much more strict - rules regarding magical beasts and interactions with no-majs (the American version of muggle). When a few magical beasts escape from his suitcase, Newt and his new friends Tina, Jacob, and Queenie work together to track them all down. But there’s something much more dangerous threatening not only the lives of no-majs, but the exposure of the wizarding world in America.