The Bloodlust

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Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 18

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 18
Sandra & Amy

"There's some fear in letting go."

Ain't it the truth. Join the gals as they bid farewell to the return. What a great time we had this summer! Hopefully this doesn't come off as super maudlin, but with all the crazy, ridiculous crap happening in the world, it's been really nice to have Twin Peaks around again. We've been able to occupy our minds with this really neat puzzle for a while, which has given a lot of people a fun mental break. Also, & maybe more importantly -  it's nice to be reminded that, as terrible as humanity can often seem, we do make some damn fine art.

Thanks for listening to what our Log had to say. It's been tons of fun :)

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

81 | IT

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81 | It
The Bloodlust

Director: Andy Muschietti

Writer(s): Chase Palmer, Cary Fukunaga, Gary Dauberman

Synopsis: When kids start going missing in the town of Derry, a group of kids band together and discover that a sinister clown named Pennywise may be behind all of it.

Next up, we'll be seeing a movie that will, with any luck, be very upsetting and make us feel a bit funky all day. That's right, we're seeing Darren Aronofsky's newest movie, Mother!. Go see it, throw on some Danzing, and join us in two weeks for our review!

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 17

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 17
Sandra & Amy

The penultimate episode starts just like we predicted it would, with everybody converging at the Twin Peaks Sheriff Department. Lucy, Andy & Freddie fulfill their destinies, we find out Naido's deal (but not the drunk's), & then... Well, then we go in a direction nobody predicted. The past dictates the future, indeed.


We're in the home stretch, guys! Sandra & I would love to hear your thoughts on the season so far. As you may have noticed, we live for talking about this stuff. Hit us up here, there, anywhere, really. Dinner, literally any time.

80 | The Devil's Candy

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80 | The Devil's Candy
The Bloodlust

Director/Writer: Sean Byrne

Synopsis: After moving his family into a large farm house (which, of course, has a seeded history), a young father struggles against the satanic forces threatening them from within the house.  

Join us next time when we'll be talking about IT and whether or not it lives up to all the hype that we're hearing out on the interwebz. Join us, won't you? We have balloons...

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 16

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Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 16
Sandra & Amy

All thanks & praise to Lynch/Frost in the highest for this gift of an episode. Our most humble gratitude to you both for giving us just what we wanted. Join us as we get super greedy like little Richard Hornes & ask for resolutions to so many dangling plot lines, like noobs who've never watched a Lynch film. Oh, you silly girls...


We're in the home stretch, guys! Sandra & I would love to hear your thoughts on the season so far. As you may have noticed, we live for talking about this stuff. Hit us up here, there, anywhere, really. Dinner, literally any time.

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 15

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 15
Sandra & Amy

You'd be hard pressed to find an episode in any of the three seasons of Twin Peaks with as many genuine feels as this one. Between Big Ed & Norma's well-deserved moment & Margaret's beautiful send-off, part 15 was as close to heartwarming as the show's going to get. But don't worry, high strangeness still abounds, as Evil Coop takes us on a tour of the apartment above the gas station.


Listen pal, anyone who wants to talk to the coffee pot

has to go through me first.

We're in the home stretch, guys! Sandra & I would love to hear your thoughts on the season so far. As you may have noticed, we live for talking about this stuff. Hit us up here, there, anywhere, really. Dinner, literally any time.

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira