The Bloodlust

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79 | Annabelle: Creation

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79 | Annabelle: Creation
The Bloodlust

Director: David F. Sandberg

Writer: Gary Dauberman

Synopsis: A group of orphans, & the nun who cares for them, are invited to live in the home of the Mullins (a dollmaker & his invalid wife) in the 1950s. Once there, the precocious girls discover the dollmaker’s sad history - that his young daughter, Bee, was killed in a tragic car accident a decade before.

The orphans begin to witness strange, paranormal events in the house, which seem to be related to a hideous doll found locked away in a secret space within the dead daughter’s "off-limits" bedroom. One of the girls in particular, Janice, is plagued with visitations by the doll & Bee’s spectre, who seem to have special plans for her. Will her best friend, Linda, be able to help her before it’s too late?

Join us next time when we'll be talking about The Devil's Candy. Or as we like to call it The Tale of Ethan Embry's Ever Shifting Wig. See you then!

In theaters and VOD March 17th Directed by: Sean Byrne Starring: Ethan Embry, Shiri Appleby, Kiara Glasco, & Pruitt Taylor Vince A not-so-average family wrestles with Satan in a house from hell in this heavy metal-charged shocker from the director of The Loved Ones.

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 14

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 14
Sandra & Amy

What an episode! I wanted more Sarah Palmer, I got more Sarah Palmer. And what a scene it was. Holy guacamole. Plus, Frank & the deputies journey to Jackrabbit's Palace & beyond! Cole & the gang learn of an important link between Major Briggs's body & a member of their own group, & Audrey... Well, Audrey's storyline doesn't progress at all, but we do get some pretty good leads as to what the everloving fuck is up with her. Enjoy!


How you like me now, ponytail?

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 13

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 13
Sandra & Amy

Evil Coop is back! And badder than ever. Clearly the Bob bubble those woodsmen dug out of him didn't contain all the nasty in our favorite doppelgänger. In other news, the Mitchums shower Battlin' Bud with gifts, & Tony showers his pants when they all conga into Lucky 7. Mr. Todd is none too pleased, boy. Oh, & also! We finally see Big Ed again, in all his taciturn glory. Unrequited love is the best kind of love, don't you agree?

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

78 | Killing Ground

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78 | Killing Ground
The Bloodlust

Writer/Director: Damien Power

Synopsis: Young lovebirds, Ian and Sam, go on a romantic camping trip near a secluded waterfall. Their trip is cut short when they stumble across a horrible crime.

What do you guys think of our new theme music? Pretty cool, right? Big thanks to Peter Perfect for letting us use it.

Next up, we'll be seeing what all the fuss is about with this Annabelle sequel (or prequel?). It's getting solid reviews so we're curious enough to shell out $$ to see it in theaters.

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 12

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 12
Sandra & Amy

You know what I was just thinking? It's really cool to see Laura Dern playing a character like Diane. As you probably know, David Lynch has two female archetypes in all his stuff: the innocent blonde gamine & the exotic dark haired femme fatale. This duality goes quite nicely with his main preoccupation - exploring the darkness lying underneath the placid surface of suburbia. And even though Diane's got that platinum wig, she is most definitely a dark lady. Which is especially neat when you think about her most memorable Lynch role, as Sandy in Blue Velvet. 

Kinda cool too for Kyle MacLachlan that he gets to play both sides of the coin in one character.

Anyway, here's the recap. Enjoy!

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 11

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 11
Sandra & Amy

Part 11 might be my favorite episode of The Return so far. We get to spend some time with Bobby,  Shelley & their karmic-revenge-in-child-form, Becky, at the Double R, Gordon almost steps through Bill Hastings' portal to the unknown, & the Mitchum brothers finally meet Dougie. Is there a cherry pie in that box? Only one way to find out.
