120 | Piercing — The Bloodlust

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120 | Piercing

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120 | Piercing
The Bloodlust

Writer/Director: Nicholas Pesce

Synopsis: A fancy young businessman named Reed leaves his wife & their infant at home one day, ostensibly off to a work trip. His real destination is to a hotel in town, where he’s preparing to enact a long-held fantasy of murdering a woman. He has ordered an escort, & as he waits for her to arrive he runs through his game plan. It seems he’s thought of everything, but he couldn’t have accounted for Jackie, the escort who arrives, & who seems to have some interesting fantasies of her own.

Next up, a new A24 joint that has been drawing comparisons to Hereditary. Join us in two weeks to discuss The Hole in the Ground.

Intro/outro music courtesy of Peter Perfect. Check him out on Instagram | Soundcloud