sofia coppola

8989 Redstone, The Beguiled, Replace, Dig Two Graves

Here we are again with some new trailers. First up, another movie set in the ruins of Detroit. Joy. But wait, this one's found footage! The guy who made it seems to have directed every single comedy special of the past five years. I have zero idea how that will translate to horror.

Lots of things going on there. You gotta appreciate a trailer that includes de-gloving. Yeesh. With that, the hair-eating & the burned lady, I'd say this miiiight be the kind of dumb fun movie that's perfect for those nights when you don't feel like thinking too hard. Especially since it's available for free on streaming platforms.

Next up, the new offering from Sofia Coppola, who hasn't made a full-length feature since The Bling Ring. This one gets a limited release June 23. A word of warning - the trailer seems to give a lot away, so proceed with caution.

This certainly seems like a departure for the director, though it's nice to see Kirsten Dunst, who appeared in Coppola's best movie, The Virgin Suicides, back in front of her camera. That being said, I'm not the world's biggest Sofia Coppola fan. Couple that with the presence of Colin Farrell, who I find icky, & that equals waiting till VOD for me.

Let's go a bit lower budget for our next trailer, shall we? This one is set to open some time in 2017, & it appears to be about a lady who is badly in need of some moisturizer.

That was some gnarly... penetration there. Heh. Gross. Seems a lot like other recent female-centric body horror flicks, which are great when they hit, but can be a real drag when they don't. I'd say wait & check out some reviews.

And finally, a movie that's already available on demand, but not on free streaming platforms yet. Let's see if it looks worth shelling out the extra $$.

Ooh, yes to black magic rituals! Plus, who doesn't like Buffalo Bill? Something about that weird voice. I'ma watch this, hopefully enjoy me a creepy hillbilly tale.

That's all for this time, kids. But don't fret - I'll be back soon with good tidings of scary movies for all. Meantime, let me know what you think about this bunch. 

- AP